Diamond and Silk Say Zuckerberg Lied Before Congress, 'We Have Not Been Contacted'


Popular pro-Trump sisters Diamond and Silk Wednesday night claimed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg lied when he told Congress his team had gotten in touch with them to correct an "enforcement error."

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by Joker68 to politics (+73|-0)

During hearings on Capitol Hill Tuesday and Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) grilled Zuckerberg over reports that Facebook had deplatformed the outspoken duo for being “unsafe for the community.”

When Blackburn asked him if Facebook was manipulating algorithms to prioritize or censor speech, Zuckerberg answered that there are types of speech -- like terrorism -- that Facebook is "very proud" to have removed from its site.

"Let me tell you something right now," Blackburn interjected. "Diamond and Silk is not terrorism!"

Later on, Rep. Barton read Zuckerberg a letter from a constituent voicing concern over Facebook's treatment of the conservative women and asked the tech giant for his response.

"Congressman, in that specific case, our team made an enforcement error and we have already gotten in touch with them to reverse it," he testified.

Diamond and Silk, whose real names are are Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, appeared on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle for the second day in a row to discuss Zuckerberg's testimony to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The women vehemently denied that anyone from Facebook had gotten in touch with them.

"No!" the sisters replied in unison, when Ingraham asked. "We have not been in communication with Facebook. We have not been contacted. We have not spoken with anyone over the phone, so that was a lie," Diamond added.

Ingraham pointed out that Zuckerberg's testimony Wednesday marked the second time in two days he had claimed the problem had been dealt with.

"If you go to the site of our Facebook page right now, you will see where people are still having issues with liking and following our page," Silk insisted.  "Nothing has been resolved and no one has been in communication with Diamond and Silk."

Diamond said they were happy Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook had made a mistake by deplatforming them, but added that they still want to talk directly with him so he can “rectify” the situation and “make this right.”

Senator Tim Scott Unloads on Facebook: 'What Is Unsafe About Two Black Women Supporting the President?'

Senator Tim Scott Unloads on Facebook: 'What Is Unsafe About Two Black Women Supporting the President?' (thegatewaypundit.com) by fluxusp to politics (+225|-3)

Mark Zuckerberg Grilled on Censoring Diamond and Silk's Facebook Page

Mark Zuckerberg Grilled on Censoring Diamond and Silk's Facebook Page (youtube.com)

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Diamond and Silk 'If a Private Bakery Has to Go Against Their Christian Values to Bake a Cake Then Zuckerberg Has to Allow us to Speak Our Truth' (VIDEO)

Diamond and Silk 'If a Private Bakery Has to Go Against Their Christian Values to Bake a Cake Then Zuckerberg Has to Allow us to Speak Our Truth' (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)

by Scrooblemeyer to news (+362|-8)